Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Come Along on Our Journey Home

When I said that I critiqued my life, I meant every aspect of it. From my spirituality to my relationships. From my body to my work. I spent a lot of time figuring out when I felt the best and when the people I cared about where the happiest.  I am a huge over thinker so needless to say this was a long and very involved process. I am sure that those close to me thought I was crazy with all the questions that I asked them.

I asked questions like, Tell me what you think my strengths and weaknesses are. Now I am really really lucky because I have people in my life that are not afraid to tell me how they feel. I have  a best friend who will tell me the truth even if he knows he is going to have to hold me while I cry after he tells me it. He always gives me options and ideas to help when I ask for them and lets me find my own way when that is what I want.

This blog in a way is therapy for me. A way for me to get all the millions of ideas and thoughts and put them down on "paper" so to speak. And maybe somebody else will get something from all the things that clutter up my brain.

So let me introduce myself. Hi! I'm Sulis.  This is not my real name but it is the one that people have been calling me since I was in my late teens. For a long time I forgot I had a real name, because no one but D called me it. Now most times I go by my real name just because my husband prefers it that way.

I am 53 years old, who is married to a beautiful man named Exo(sometimes Pally) who is 45. We have 5 children, a son who is 37 I call Mr K, a daughter aged 32 I call Kiramisu, a son age 29, we call Admiral Ryuu, our loving little 14 year old girl, Miss K and our youngest little man age 6. We also have two grand-kids, twins 16 year olds, a boy and a girl named Master A and Miss A. 

Exo and I  got married in 2016 with just Kiramisu and his parents there to witness it. We
ourselves have known each other for years, about 17 years, we met at the gates to Undercity. Yes, you read that correctly I met my husband In a MMORPG. We met in World of Warcraft.  He was a gorgous Belf Paladin named Exorcism (thus Pally) and I was a Undead Shadow Priest name Marciaproba.  We talked over vent for a long time first as friends and then as more than that as my relationship with Miss K's father ended. Over the years we talked on the phone almost constantly, then an opportunity to come out to where I lived happened and while I was scared as hell, I took the leap and with the exception of about 2 month we have been together ever since.

He and I are very strong personalities and often clash. But we are working through it. We are learning how to talk to each other. We are helping each other get past the hurts that caused us to have certain  problem issues in our lives. We are far from perfect at it but I know he loves me and I love him.  He calls me on my bull and I call him on his. Together we are trying to build a life out of the tatters of my old one.

As we began this journey home I was a single mother with two youngest at home who had no clue what she was doing after her nearly 10 year relationship blew up. My best friend had married and moved to Vietnam, so I was alone and scared and trying to figure out how to have time for my kids and still pay the bills. I literally did any odd job I could find that was legal. From sewing  and crafting to merchandising and all kinds of online work from home projects. We always lived just barely making it, anything went wrong and it was a disaster. I was so in debt and my health was getting worse and worse.

About 7 years ago it all came to a head, A job didn't pay on time and I couldn't find anything to replace it and we lost out home and all our things. At the same time my ex decided he wanted to take custody of our child with his new wife and take the car that had been our agreed upon as our child support for the past few years. It was a crazy time trying to get my older kids and Exo to the Missouri where we had a place to live. living in my car for a bit while I got legal permission to leave the state with Miss K who at that point had never been away from me for more than 4 days at a time. In the end he got custody of her during the school year and I have her during her vacations (anything over 4 days) The whole ordeal with crushing and our whole family was devastated when school began and he came to get her and the car.

At this point it was me, Exo,  Kiramisu, and the Admiral in a little house in the woods with no car and three beat up old computers, and a little money. So for the past 7 years  we have worked on building our life together from the bottom up.  Working with D to build a company that will take us into our future. I started making changes to our diets and health to help deal with the various medical issues that Exo (MS and Diabetes) and I (Severe anemia, fibromyalgia, and migraines) have. We are starting from nothing and creating the world we want to live in.
In 2017 we moved to exos home town and moved in with his parents ( thats a post for another day) a few months later our youngest little man was born. When they put his squirming wet little body in my arms and he looked at me I was in love. 

We have spent the last few years figuring out what we need to do with our little man and now Miss K. ( about 5 years ago miss K came home full time) who both have asd and other mental issues. 

We decided to homeschool both of them after spending a month were I got called to the school everyday. We use Flvs to supplement our lessons and we Love our teachers. Currently miss K is in 8th grade and  little man is in first. They are both doing good, honor roll. Its tough and a struggle because they both need help with staying focused. I have to hold little man my lap to keep him focused or he'll be all over the place. 

This place is for me to focus what I'm doing and be acountable. 

This is our journey home.

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